Here is where you can find all of the Science Fiction stuff that I have available. All figures are based on 30mm bases unless other wise stated.  Figures are sold as is. Available quantities are entered into the shopping cart software so that you cannot order what is not available. Shipping will be calculated based on where is it going and how much you order.

Questions? Comments? Problems?

Sci Fi Female Sniper #0067

$9.00 Sale Price $8.10 (Qty 1 Available)

Vatacina Sentinel For Rezolution #0069
Data card NOT included. Mounted on 60mm Scenic Base

$20.00 Sale price $18.00(Qty 1 Available)

Vatacina Cardinal for Rezolution #0070
Data Cards Included. Mounted on 25mm Base.

$20.00 Sale price $18.00 (Qty 1 Available)

Void VASA Marine with Assault Rifle #0076
Mounted on 25mm Base

$5.00 Sale price $4.50 (Qty 1 Available)


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