My first force for AEWW2 was the Germans. This group of figures came from all sort of different sources.

These guys are from Brigade Games. If you are interested the figures can be found here. They are listed there as German Chemical Heavy Troopers. I took them and gave them a Pea dot camo scheme and left it there.

Here is a set of emaciated troopers led by a German Mad Doc. The figures come from the Darkson Designs Line of AEWW2 figures.

Here are a couple of German Faction Feuersoldats. These are also Darkson Design Figures.

Here is a group of German MG42 Teams. I don't remember is these figures are from Crusader or Artizan Designs.

This Panzerfaust Team has the gunner from BlackTree Designs and the loader from Artizan.

This is my stand in Rholingsoldat. I got the figure from Brigade Games. On their site it is listed as a Zusammengesetzttruppen II (Composite Trooper) with MG34

This is a Sd Kfz 250 from Bolt Action Miniatures. The Gunner is from Crusader.