Recently a customer asked me to come up for character figures for the Savage Worlds setting of Necropolis.(Necropolis is published by Triple Ace Games)

With this project there were quite a few figures. In this case most of the figures were from Corvus Belli's Infinity Line

Here are a Three Specialist type Knights In this case there is a regular Knight on the left and two flame thrower knights on the right.

Here are some command Knights. The particular figure are Pan Oceana Faction figures. Like all of the Knights these have their ballistic weapons and all of the knight needed to have swords. A Lot of the PanO figures have swords but those that didn't were given to them from a Reaper Crusader Weapons pack. I am not a big fan of the camo on these guys I is difficult to pull of well and it doesn't photograph well.

Here are a few more Knight Specialists.

These two Pictures are the Sergeants. The Sergeant are the grunts on the Necropolis Church armies. The difference with this particular ordo is that the the Knights Have a white tabard with a Red Maltese Cross and the Sergeant have a black tabard with a red Maltese Cross. All of the Sergeant Figures are from the Haquislam faction from Infinity.

Last but not least is the Chaplain. This particular Figure is from the Reaper Warlord Line (Crusader Faction). With this miniature I painted him in browns and did a couple of shields to tie him in with the other forces.

With this project there were quite a few figures. In this case most of the figures were from Corvus Belli's Infinity Line

Here are a Three Specialist type Knights In this case there is a regular Knight on the left and two flame thrower knights on the right.

Here are some command Knights. The particular figure are Pan Oceana Faction figures. Like all of the Knights these have their ballistic weapons and all of the knight needed to have swords. A Lot of the PanO figures have swords but those that didn't were given to them from a Reaper Crusader Weapons pack. I am not a big fan of the camo on these guys I is difficult to pull of well and it doesn't photograph well.

Here are a few more Knight Specialists.

These two Pictures are the Sergeants. The Sergeant are the grunts on the Necropolis Church armies. The difference with this particular ordo is that the the Knights Have a white tabard with a Red Maltese Cross and the Sergeant have a black tabard with a red Maltese Cross. All of the Sergeant Figures are from the Haquislam faction from Infinity.