This is where I putting all of of my Necromunda Terrain that I have built. Originally these are built for Necromunda. But I plan on using bits for other games as well.
Here is a little hab block that is meant to be at the end of a table. The base of this was built using a Styrofaom. I built the floor using Granny Grate for the floors, For the walls I found a product called Bright Creations Metallic Corrugated paper which when painted and weather looks very close to corrugated steel.

Don't know what to really call this piece. Mostly it was made from scraps of blue foam that I had lying about

This piece was some thing that I put together toward the beginning of the lockdown. I like the way it turned out but I think that structurally it is going to need some help before it is used in a game

This is another piece that I did right after the lock down started. This one is a pretty solid piece that I think will work well even though it looks like a can

This piece was made from a piece of wood a blue foam. Wend a little crazy on the rust wash and not 100% happy with thepainting on this

Updated 1-17-2020