X-Wing Interdiction

The GR-75 Transport Bright Hope has been intercepted by an older imperial interdictor frigate. Imperial forces have deployed fighters and boarding craft and are attempting to take her. Due to the grav generators on the frigate the Bright Hope cannot jump out of the system until they are destroyed or until she gets out of range of them. The Bright Hope's Speed is being minimized by the frigate's tractor beam. The Bright Hope can still move but she is slowed to a crawl.
There are two ways the Rebels can win this scenario:
Destroy the Grav Generators on the frigate so the Bright Hope Can Jump out of the system:
Or Keep the Imperial force at bay to allow for the Bright Hope to escape off of the Rebel Side of the Board:
Imperial Forces can win by taking the Ship:
They can do this by boarding her:
Or by crippling the transport. Destroying the transport will result in escape pods being jettisoned. Some of the pod will have valuable prisoners others will not maybe one or two will have an unpleasant surprise for the Imperial ship that captures it.
Imperial force list can be found here
Rebel Force List can be found here