For KublaCon this coming May, I'm deep into prepping my Battle of Scarif recreation from Rogue One. This idea took root last year when I found a massive haul of Star Wars: Legion minis at the flea market, which really drove my focus toward a Star Wars theme. Originally, I’d thought of setting up a pirate game with some Blood and Plunder miniatures that I had purchased, but after finding these minis, it made sense to shift toward a Scarif-themed event. I've previously hosted X-Wing games, but this Legion project lets me expand into new territory that I've always wanted to try.
Once I unpacked everything, I saw that I had a solid base: tons of Rebels, Stormtroopers, Shoretroopers, and various bits and pieces perfect for recreating Scarif. I’ve almost completed gathering all necessary figures, with only a few larger ships still being printed. The big focus now is on terrain, which I’m slowly designing to bring Scarif’s unique setting to life on the table.

As for where I am with miniatures, the Shoretroopers are done, and the Stormtroopers and Death Troopers are ready. Rebels are halfway there, though I haven’t tackled any of the named characters yet. I’m toying with adding a full-size AT-ACT—it would look amazing, but I’m still deciding if it’ll add much to the gameplay. I’m also planning to add a 30mm scale Zeta-class shuttle, a TIE Reaper, and a U-Wing to the setup.

Right now, my target is to start playtesting around February, so I have a big push ahead to finish terrain over the next few months.