Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Wednesday, November 13, 2024,
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Recently, I had the pleasure of hosting a Space Weirdos game night for a group of friends interested in learning the game. Space Weirdos is a fast-paced, skirmish-style miniatures game set in a strange, sci-fi universe where players assemble small warbands to fight intense battles in a variety of imaginative environments. The game emphasizes quick, chaotic combat and flexible warband creation, making it accessible for new players while still allowing veterans to dive deep into strategy. With ...
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Update on Battle of Scarif Event for KublaCon
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, November 12, 2024,
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For KublaCon this coming May, I'm deep into prepping my Battle of Scarif recreation from Rogue One. This idea took root last year when I found a massive haul of Star Wars: Legion minis at the flea market, which really drove my focus toward a Star Wars theme. Originally, I’d thought of setting up a pirate game with some Blood and Plunder miniatures that I had purchased, but after finding these minis, it made sense to shift toward a Scarif-themed event. I've previously hosted X-Wing games, bu...
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Scenario: the Bounty
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, November 11, 2024,
In :
The Bounty - Hunt for the Bounty
Here is a new scenario that I put together for Space Weirdos. In this scenario, players each lead a team of bounty hunters tracking the bounty through a rugged landscape filled with traps. The objective is to capture (kill) the bounty by the end of turn 6. If the bounty survives, they escape, and all players lose.
- Board Setup: Use a 3'x3' board with craggy, rugged terrain featuring rocks, cliffs, and obstacles.
- Objective: Captur...
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My Morning Ritual
Every morning, I try to get up early to carve out a bit of quiet time for myself before heading to work. This is my chance to sneak in some painting – even if it’s just for a few minutes. I started doing this to get a little closer to saying, “Yes, I painted today.” But over time, it’s become something more. It’s a form of meditation, a way to center myself before diving into the day. And as a nice bonus, it helps me tackle the ever-growing “shelf of shame” and reduce the gray...
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Peak X-Wing
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, November 4, 2024,
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I look back at this picture, and for me, it represents the peak of my X-Wing experiences. This was right before the game transitioned to its second edition, and as you can see, I was fully immersed in it. The event was called "40,000 Credits," and it was a high-energy, imaginative scenario centered around a crash site in an asteroid field. The goal? Navigate through the field, avoid intense Imperial and Rebel skirmishes, and secure as much loot as possible over six rounds.
The premise was simp...
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On the Road Gaming Adventure
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, November 3, 2024,

I'm still on the road, but that's not stopping me from squeezing in some gaming time! Although I wasn't able to meet up with any friends this time around, I made the most of the trip by stopping by a local game store and even getting a solo game session in my hotel room last night.
I played the *G.I. Joe Deck-Building Game*, which is a really neat co-op game that’s perfect for multiple players. It’s been a while since I last played it, so I felt a little rusty, but it all came back to me...
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On the Road: Painting Streak, Hobby Shop Visits, and Halberdiers for Joan of Arc
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Friday, November 1, 2024,
Today’s entry isn’t particularly groundbreaking, but it’s a snapshot of the joys of traveling with hobbies in tow. Right now, I’m on the road, but I've brought along my painting kit to keep up with my daily painting streak. This weekend’s project? Painting up some halberdiers for *Time of Legends: Joan of Arc.* There’s something satisfying about squeezing in some brush time, even when traveling, and I love keeping the streak alive, one halberdier at a time.
I’m down in Southern C...
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Diving into the Terminator Genisys Miniatures Game + A Six-Player Showdown at KublaCon
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Wednesday, October 30, 2024,
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The Terminator Genisys Miniatures Game captures the desperate struggle between Skynet’s machines and the Human Resistance, with streamlined rules that make it easy to pick up and play. At
KublaCon, I ran a six-player event using these rules, where the game delivered both cinematic moments and nail-biting tension. Despite being pummeled throughout most of the session, the Resistance pulled off a last-minute victory against all odds, which kept everyone engaged to the very end.
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GottCon: Growing Community and Giving Back through Tabletop Gaming
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Wednesday, October 30, 2024,

This past July, we hosted our second annual GottCon event, and it was an incredible experience! Our mission goes beyond just gathering tabletop enthusiasts; GottCon was created to support the Masonic Youth Orders and to offer a welcoming, introductory convention for those who may have never attended a game convention before. With a focus on accessibility, camaraderie, and community support, GottCon is a space where gamers of all backgrounds can come together for a great cause. Planning is alr...
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Battle of Crécy – A Tale of Longbows, Charges, and Hard Lessons in Joan of Arc: Time of Legends

Lately, I’ve been diving into Joan of Arc: Time of Legends, and our most recent session brought us to the iconic Battle of Crécy. If you’re familiar with the history, you know this was a critical battle where English strategy, terrain, and weather worked together to devastating effect on the French forces.
In our game, my friend John commanded the English, while I took the role of the French. The scenario begins with the Genoese crossbowmen already retreating in disarray, adding immediate...
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Catching Up on My Latest Gaming Adventures
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, October 27, 2024,
Wow, it's been a while since I last posted here! Time flies, and there's so much to catch up on. Between epic game events, ongoing campaigns, and even starting our own mini-convention, I’ve been staying busy in the world of tabletop gaming. Here’s a quick rundown of what I’ve been up to, with plans for more detailed posts (and photos!) to come.
Big Events Recap
Over the past couple of years, I’ve had the chance to host some exciting large-scale events. In 2023, I organized a Stalingrad ...
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The Silver Bayonet
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, November 23, 2021,
In :
Lately I have been looking at Osprey Publishing’s new
skirmish game ”The Silver Bayonet”. It has been quite the buzz among some of my
friends and I got interested in it enough that I picked up the rules.
If you are familiar with Frostgrave, Stargrave, or Rangers
of Shadowdeep this game will be familiar territory to you.
The premise is that during the Napoleonic wars undead and
other magical creatures have appeared on the fringes of the various battles. You
are charged with creating a ...
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Junk to Terrain
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, November 14, 2021,
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One of the perks of being a board gamer is that I get a lot
of little really good tough boxes I don’t use. Sometimes they get used for
things around the house. Sometimes I just never take the expansions out of them.
But there are times when I get them, and I have nothing to put into them. Then
I'm forced to think about throwing them away or something else.
Recently, I got a copy of Dinosaur World. If you're familiar
with that game there was a lot of expansions that came with it. It was pre...
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Daimyo Rebirth of the Empire Review
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, November 14, 2021,
In :
Daimyo Rebirth of the Empire

Back in July of 2020 I was looking at this project when it
was on Kickstarter thinking I was going to back it. I ended up not doing so and
I kind of regretted it. I happened to luck into somebody that was selling a new
unopened copy of this locally and picked it up.
First Impressions
When I opened this up, I thought to myself this is a
colorful and busy looking game. Started reading the rules and there are some
bits of it that remind me a lot of Scythe. looking...
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It has been a while.
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Friday, May 7, 2021,
It has been a little time since I have updated my blog. Had
to take a break from a couple different things and have not really had much of
a chance to work on this lately.
Things that I have been working on or looking to work on:
Stargrave: The new game system from Osprey has
recently come out and I am super interested in it. The fact that it uses
generic science fiction figures to do a sort of progressive campaign small crews
is what is pulling me towards it. I will more about that a litt...
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Finishing up the Kasrkin
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Saturday, March 6, 2021,
Yesterday, I did the final touches for the Kasrkin. At this
point they are complete.
On Monday it was all about getting the basing done. I focused
primarily on getting all the materials on the miniature’s bases. I started off
with some small size rocks for the bases. I attached them with white glue and
let them sit overnight. When they had dried the next morning, I then applied
the sand to the base of each of the miniatures. Applying the sand, I used white
glue mixed with some Brown paint...
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Kasrkin Details
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, March 2, 2021,
Today was all about doing details on the Kasrkin. to start
today off I wanted to kind of get all the bits and pieces done that I've been
meaning to do but have just been like niggling little details I haven't had
time to actually sit down in iron out and figure out.
I started with the scopes where I take and put red with the
yellow highlights on the camera lens. The yellow on the red turned out to be a hefty
contrast so I decided to take some red ink and put it over the whole thing. I
think ...
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Painting philosophy or how to paint an entire army and not burn yourself out.
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, March 1, 2021,
In :
Over the last few days, I have been having discussions with some
old friends about some of the projects I have been working on recently. I want
to talk a little bit about how I am approaching it and how it seems to be
helping me to get these things done.
In the past I have approached painting a figure with the
goal of getting it finished and getting super focused on that to the point where
it becomes an all or nothing thing. I have been finding that that is not
working very well for me.
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My thoughts on Playing Thunderstone for the First time
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, February 28, 2021,
In :

Last night we played Thunderstone for the first time. It has
been a game that has been sitting on our shelves for many years and surprisingly enough last night was the first time we had played it. We
initially got it as a gift for a daughter. She indicated interest on it based off
playing it with a friend of ours.
It was kind of funny the reason it got to the table last
night was because I was getting ready to play a game of it online with my
friend Aron on Yucata. My wife heard me listenin...
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Memories of a Rogue Trader Tournament Organizer
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, February 28, 2021,
In :
Warhammer 40k
Back about 15 years ago I used to be big into the tournament
scene particularly for Warhammer 40K but there were times I would play in other
tournaments as well. At the time there was a large program that games workshop
used to run called the Rogue Trader tournament program. For those of you who were
not around back then the rogue trader tournament system consisted of tournament
packages that were supplied by games workshop mostly to stores but on occasion
to clubs that would run tournaments ...
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Kasrkin Continued
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Saturday, February 27, 2021,
In :
Warhammer 40k
It is Friday and the week is over, and I think I found a
solution to my Kasrkin command problem. Been kind of searching here and there
for different options. I think I found two of them I am going to work with.
First off, I found a Sergeant On eBay that looks kind of
interesting and it was not hugely expensive but the only thing that's kind of a
bummer about it is that shipping is going to take a while because it is coming
from Russia I believe. But it gives a couple different options for he...
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First impression of 9th Edition Warhammer 40k from a 3/4th Edition Player
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, February 25, 2021,
In :
Warhammer 40k
Coming back into 40K the last sets of games I played were 4th
edition which was quite a while ago. I did kind of dip my toes and start with 8th
edition, but the pandemic hit I never actually got any games to the table. During
the pandemic 9th edition came out and I managed to score myself a rule book. Now
I'm going through this and taking a look at the new rules and trying to figure
out what's different between these 9th edition rules and what I used to play
and 4th Ed.
One thing I find inte...
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The Commissar Arrives
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, February 25, 2021,
In :
Warhammer 40k

Got started today on my new commissar for my Kasrkin
Imperial guard army. This one is made by Grim Skull and it's called the
Imperial iron commissar. Looking at it it's got some good detail it's all resin
very clean cast. Very minimal cleanup needed.
When I was looking at it I was wondering if I should
actually go and pin pieces together but when I stuck the sword arm into the arm
it went in there with a nice little peg that stuck in there pretty well without
any glue and was pretty solidly...
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a little progress....
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Wednesday, February 24, 2021,
In :
Warhammer 40k
Making slower progress on the Kasrkin. For the most part I
have been doing detail work. On the helmets I did the visors. On the rifles I did
the scopes.

Did the skin tones on the sergeants as well.

The picture above is with the base coat and eyes done.
The next thing is the gloves and the data pads. I am starting
them by priming them white. Still haven’t figured out what I am going to after
On the other hand, I also added some new pieces to the army.
In this case I picked...
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Progress on the Kasrkin
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, February 21, 2021,
In :
Warhammer 40k
Been meaning to post some update on this but the project has
been progressing. I got some serious work done on these last week. I am working at putting paint on the brush every day. Being that these figures are out of production. They all started out a little differently.

I started by priming the black ones with Krylon Green camo paint. Then I did the uniforms with AK Interactive Ocher Khaki.

I painted all of the gun housings white. then hit them with Basilicanum Grey contrast paint.
For the hos...
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Getting Some Presidents Day Weekend boardgaming in
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, February 15, 2021,
In :
Presidents Day 2021,
Today there is no conventions to be at which still bums me out. But yesterday my wife and me played a few games. One was
Altiplano and the other was
Raiders of Scythia.

Altiplano is one that we got 2018 after playing it at KublaCon. Where our friend Karen introduced us to it (note here is a quick plug for Karen’s game
Consumption that you should check out). When we got our own copy of it she was happy to come over and play it with us and help us break it in. after that Li...
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The Horde (painted part) grows
This morning I finished the mounted Knights for Time of
Legends: Joan of Arc. As I mentioned in an earlier post. Mounted figures have
always been a stumbling block for me. But with a lot of things, you just must work
at it and keep pushing forward.
That is what I did with these guys. After I got all the base
work done on these, I started on the colors on the barding. I would to 15 minutes
here and do one color and take 10 minutes to do another one at another time until
I finally called it d...
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Building my Masterpiece
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, February 9, 2021,
In :
Warhammer 40k
There are times when you get so gripped by a concept and a project that you get possessed by it. In the Summer of 2002, I did such a project. As a builder and a modeler, I felt that t was some of my best work ever.
Back then the new Chaos Space Marine codex came out and there was this new giant unit: The Defiler. No kit was available for it at the time. So armed with a huge bits box, various plastic, brass, and aluminum bit I set off to work.
For 4 day I sequestered myself in my garage only tak...
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A day to start the Knights.
Time to start the Mounted Knights for Time of Legends: Joan
of Arc. For some reason mounted figures have always given me trouble. It is
more of a mental block than any thing else. I am not sure why that is but it is
something that I have always had an issue with. But with this game there are
lots of mounted units and they all need to be painted.
My plan for this was to have all the JOA content that I own finished
by the time the new stuff arrives. Right now, I would say that this is looking...
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The Spice must flow (or at least be better organized)
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Saturday, February 6, 2021,
In :
I have always been a big fan of the Dune franchise and if you are a gamer and a fan the last two years have been fantastic for you. We have seen the
re-release of the classic AH Dune by
GF9 and a brand-new worker placement / deck builder in
Dune Imperium.
It was what I expected from Folded ...
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Another Glorious Day is the Corps.
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Saturday, February 6, 2021,
In :
Another game that I am just about finished painting is Aliens:
Another Glorious Day in the Corps by GF9. Initially I was going to give this
one a pass, but I changed my mind and ended up pre-ordering it.
I found the minis effortless to put together. The Aliens had
a little fit issue with the tails but in the end, it worked out. The Marines
went together much easier.

The Aliens were super simple to paint. I primed them with a
grey primmer. Then I gave it a coat of Citadel Contrast Wyldwood....
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Back to the Imperial Guard.
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Friday, February 5, 2021,
In :
Warhammer 40k
Back to the Imperial Guard.
For those that knew me back about 15-20 years ago when I
used to play lots of 40k I played a lot of armies. I built a lot more than I
played. But there was always a consistent army that I built and played over and
over and that was Imperial Guard or as it is known these day Astra Militarium. I
lost track of how many plastic Cadians I did but they easily numbered in the
1000s and built dozens of vehicles from the little Sentinels to the Mighty Baneblades.
I have ma...
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Got the Bowmen done, hundreds left to go.
Not a huge entry today but I wanted to close the loop on the Bowmen.
Well, I finished the bowmen on Tuesday. I dry brushed by
working my way from Raw Umber to Yellow Oxide to Unbleached Titanium. I use Acrylic paint for this because the are not thinned out where you have to spend a lot of effort getting them ready to drybrush and a little goes a long way.

Here is a picture of the various stages of the dry brushing. The lighting wasn't the greatest in this picture but hopefully you get the idea...
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It is all about that base….(Basing the Bowmen Part 1)
Made some more progress on my
Time of Legends Joan of Arc figures. Primarily worked on the basing for the archers. The archers started the day glued to the bases and had dried overnight. With them ready to go before I started work for the day, I gave them a dip in an ink bath.
My ink bath is a recipe that I have been using for year. It is one-part black ink (game color), one-part brown ink (also game color), 4 parts future floor wax (or what ever the suitable substitute these days), 6 parts w...
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Moving right along…..
Got Quite a bit done yesterday on my Bowmen for
Time of Legends Joan of Arc. I set a goal to get them done. As I am writing this, the painting is done. I pretty much need to ink and base them.
Here is a step by step on what I accomplished today:

Leather straps and guards. Knowing that I was going to inking these later on down the road I did the straps and guards Vallejo Orange Brown. Had to be super careful with this in that I did not want to ruin the work I did on the cloaks.

2. Then came t...
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Starting down the long road…..
So, I finally bit the bullet and started painting the massive
amount of plastic for Time of Legends Joan of Arc. Most people suggest that you
paint what you need for the starter so that if what I am doing, but with a
twist. If I need bowmen, I am painting all of them.
Started by gluing the on popsicle sticks to make them easier
to handle and prime.
I primed them white.

After they were dry, I did the cloaks in Citadel Contrast. I
want to vary them to give the m more of a peasant levy sort ...
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Time of Legends: Joan of Arc
Over the summer I picked up Time of Legends: Joan of Arc. Got a fantastic deal on it and been wanting to get it to the table. This monster occupies an entire shelf on its own. I was able to get is consolidated but it is still a lot of stuff.
I was initially attracted to this because I like the 100 Years War theme with the fantasy twist. It is different enough from Battlelore that it is a keeper. Additionally, I have the Teutonic knights and the updated rules on order. The fact that it is also...
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In between turns….
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, January 25, 2021,
In :
So been playing A Few Acres of Snow online with a friend. There is not huge rush. I think that we started this last week and are slowly making our way through it when we have time in our day.
Been working on a few projects this weekend:
Firstly, I have been building a bridge. So a little back ground on this. One of the things that we seem to have an abundance of around here is cardboard. So, that got me to thinking and I pulled out my trusty plank cutter and started to cut 5/8 in strips. With t...
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The Shelf of Shame (or Shelf of Opportunity)
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Saturday, January 23, 2021,
In :
So sitting here looking at my shelves and all the games that are sitting there unplayed. All of them are there for one reason or another and they are wanted. I find that I get a little too ambitious with my time and that I feel that there will be someday that I will get to them. So let talk about my top 10 of what there. Why it is there, why it is not leaving and other thought about it:
- Dune: Imperium (2020) got this one for Christmas this year. While I have the original that GF9 released in 2...
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BattleLore 1st Edition
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, January 19, 2021,
In :
I love Richard Borg’s Series of C&C Games; I have a bunch of them but still the one my wife and I keep coming back to is 1st Editions Battlelore.
Before we moved. I finished up painting the first edition set (it only took me 13 years). We didn’t get a chance to break it out before our move but once we got settled in we broke it out and played it a few times. There was a little learning curve to it see as we had not played it in 6 years. But is was as we remembered it.
The thing that sets...
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So, I believed I mentioned 40k….
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, January 18, 2021,
In :
Last January my buddy Wayne and I got a booth for the GK Flea
Market at the Mountain View store. (Little did we know that this was going to be
the last Flea Market any of us would ever attend there).
We are setting up our table there and as we are doing so, a
guy across from us along with his wife are setting up boxes and boxes of GW
products. He then puts a sign up saying that everything on the table is free.
I had been interested in getting back into it for a while, so
I go an ask him a...
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Been a while........
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, January 17, 2021,
In :
Haven't really done much on this page in a bit. I think that it has been nearly 2 years since my last post. Lots of things have happened for us since then. Been playing lots of board games. Not as much as I would like but we have been doing a bit.
I have been able to acquire some of my Grail games. Some of those include:

There are still a few that elude me.
On the miniatures side of things did quite a few things:
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Terraforming Mars – Venus Next Expansion First Impressions
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, February 3, 2019,
In :
The Venus Next expansion for Terraforming Mars was released in
2017 and we only got around to incorporating it into our game. The previous
expansion (Hellas and Elysium) got put on the table the day we got it. For whatever
reason this one took longer.
This expansion adds a few new elements to the game. On the
surface some of them look to be a bigger factor than they actually are. And there
are a bunch of little ones that make a more of a difference than you would
New Corporations:
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Less Than Two Weeks to Go!
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, May 15, 2017,
In :
So we did our dress rehearsal yesterday and I think that things are coming along well. I have pictures of it
here. We went through it and things went pretty smooth. There was nothing huge that needed to be changed on the
scenario rules.
At this point there are a few thing that need to be completed prior to
- Need to finish painting
- Need to finish the Frigate
- Maybe make some more cave terrain
- Maybe make some more debris
- Put together a checklist and make sure that everything is packed.
- Make ...
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May the 4th be with you....
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, May 4, 2017,
In :
Today is Star Wars Day. Last night we did some more play testing. In this case we tested out the asteroid cave portion of the scenario. The Turrets and the AT-AT's worked well.
TurretsDue to the recycling nature of the scenario. I added a rule that if a turret gets damaged it can attempt to repair. The turrets are only two hull points with no shield so they were getting taken out pretty easily. So the solution is that at the beginning of the turn for each point of damage the have a red dice i...
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25 Days to Go.....
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, May 2, 2017,
In :
Quite a bit of stuff to talk about since the last update.
Got the Frigate nearly done.
It is playable now. Still a bit of fitting out to go but we're getting close:

Got Some playtesting done:

and finished up a bunch of Cards:
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35 days to go
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Friday, April 21, 2017,
In :
Spent a lot of the last couple of days putting the Customs
Frigate together. Need to balance it out. It feels like it is nice a solid and
structurally sound. Here are some pictures:

Also I updated the description of my event with some rules. Here is the link to it
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More Debris......
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, April 18, 2017,
In :
38 Days and counting……..
The clock continues to count down and we are still making
progress. Last night I spent a lot of time making more debris pieces.

I also spent a lot of time adding greblies to the engines.
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39 Days to go…..
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, April 17, 2017,
In :
Been trying to get in a little work here and there for the
KC 2017 Event. The past weekend was one of great progress. I started to get
into a groove on a bunch of stuff. It got to kind of a critical mass where the momentum
of it start to take over.
Quite a bit of progress happened on the Customs Frigate over
the weekend. I got the command section nearly completed. However the thing that
is going to be the challenge is going to be the structural portion of it. I ran
a single spar through it ...
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Progress on the KC 2017 Scenario
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, February 27, 2017,
In :
I think that I have the scenario mapped out. Will need to get a reality check from My Co-GM's in the next couple of days. Here is what has been created so far:
- A framework for the scenario special rules has been set
- The NPC Rebel and Imperial Forces
- Generic Lists for Scum Players
- Generic Lists for Imperial Players
- Generic Lists for Rebel Players
Things that still need to do:
- Come up with Stats for and finish building the Hammerhead and the Customs Frigate
- Build the special table
- Come up with More Gen...
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New Year New Event
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, February 21, 2017,
In :
Working on putting together the new event for Kublacon 2017. Today I submitted the event for this year. I am shooting to have something bigger and better than last year. It is shaping up to be pretty spectacular. Well that might be over stating it. So here is a teaser for something that I am working on for it

There is an ARC-170 for size reference.
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More work on the Frigate
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, May 17, 2016,
Over the weekend I did a little more detail work to the top of the Frigate:
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10 Days and a wake up…..
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, May 16, 2016,
In :
So I had to cancel my playtest over the weekend due to lack of
people. Was not a huge issue. I spent Friday night cleaning and putting away
all of the things that I do not need.
One of the other things that came up on Friday was that I got
my table assignment for KublaCon. I am at table 28 in the Regency Ballroom.
I didn’t get too much time to do much else this weekend.
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Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Friday, May 13, 2016,
In :
Got the stand done today:
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Just a few days to go….
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, May 12, 2016,
In :
It is the Thursday before the big playtest and I feel like
there is so much still to do with very little time to do it.
At this point I have to stop work on the Frigate and use it
as is for the playtest. Here is where it stands right now:
I need to construct the stand for it. (It is not going to be
any good if I can’t put it on the table) I have a stat sheet and damage chart
for it so it is playable. The big
challenge that everyone keeps asking is how I am going to transport it. I have
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Revenge of the 5th.
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Friday, May 6, 2016,
So last night my daughter and I spent a lot of time talking
about things that happen in high school while we gesso’ed the frigate. There
are still a few other things the need to be done. At This point they are not
limited to:
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Building the Engines
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Finishing the Bridge
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Finish detailing the hull
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Building the docking bay
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Build the Stand
Here are some pictures of how it looks today:
Also yesterday I spent some time working on the scen...
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Some of the other scenario concepts
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Wednesday, May 4, 2016,
In :
One of the big issues that I've had at larger scenarios is
trying to figure out how much damage a particular ship has taken. With 10 or
more people at a table they can get quite confusing to figure out how many
times a Tie fighter has been hit. It leads to extra questions that don't really
need to happen and drags the game down. Additionally it will tend to slow down
the scenario.
That being said my solution to this problem was to make
little name tents that show the ship the Pilot skill the...
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Firefly the Boardgame from 4-28-16
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, May 3, 2016,
In :

Been playing quite a bit of Firefly recently. It is one of
our go to games when we want to have a group over and play a big game. Last
Thursday we have a few people over. We played with the all of the expansions
with the exception of leaving the PVP elements out (piracy and bounties).
For the set-up we used the Browncoat way to determine the
starting ships and captains. It is my preferred method of distributing ships
and captains. The way it works is that each player is given $12000. Then a...
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Progress on the Frigate
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, May 3, 2016,
In :
Spent some time cleaning up the work bench last night. I
started work on the bridge of the ship. I made some decent progress on it but
there is still work to do on it. It is one of the focal points of the ship and
I want it to look good. I spent a little time applying gesso to the ship as
well to seal the foam core. Here is where I left it last night.

The Following Picture gives you an idea of the scale:
Spent a little time last night working on the table cards as
well. I am about halfway thr... Continue reading ...
An Update finally......
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, May 2, 2016,
Been meaning to post something, anything here for the last couple
days weeks months years. So finally after the long wait I finally got around to it.
Been spending lots of time recently working on my X-wing scenario for KublaCon at the end of the month and there has been significant progress. I have a rough outline of the forces that I am going to use. The frigate that is the centerpiece of the event is coming along nicely and I am tweaking the scenario itself. I will be doing a playtest of t...
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Memoir '44
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, April 16, 2012,
In :
Been on a bit of a Memoir 44
kick lately. In the last week Lisa and I
have played three games that were all quite different.
On the 7th we played a scenario called the battle
of Arracourt from
the starter set. Lisa took the roll of the Americans and I took the Germans.
Lisa played very well and I just couldn’t get my forces together to coordinate
a good response. In the end I got pummeled by Lisa 6 medals to 1.

On Easter Sunday I took the role of the Americans to invade
Omaha Beach ...
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What I have been up to
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, March 20, 2012,
Painted |
assembled |
unassembled |
Spartan Hoplites |
39 |
27 |
37 |
103 |
Spartan Champ |
5 |
1 |
1 |
7 |
Spartan Musician |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Spartan Standard |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Spartan Lights |
8 |
8 |
Spartan War Altar |
1 |
1 |
Spartan Stratego |
1 |
1 |
Spartan Honor Guard |
2 |
2 |
Mycenean Hoplites |
12 |
18 |
10 |
40 |
Mycenean champ |
2 |
2 |
4 |
Titan Hunter |
2 |
2 |
0 |
Demi... |
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What I still need
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, January 8, 2009,
So a little progress on the Wargods megabattle front. I have started on the next unit: Some Anubi Warriors. Also to fund things that I still need I have posted up for sale some Wendigo that I got in my last big trade.
As it stands right now I think that I am going to need the following things for the megabattle:
- 2 Spartan Chariots
- Sebeki Harbinger
- Sebeki Master of Words
- Asar Archer unit
- Nebekaru Archer Unit
- Lots of command counters
At some point soon I am going to get started on making terrain for t...
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59 days and a wake up
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, January 6, 2009,
So today I added a countdown clock for the Wargods mega battle that I am hosting at Game Kastle in Santa Clara, CA.
The other goal here is to have everything painted and have matching terrain for all of this. Everyday there is another little piece that gets done in order to accomplish this. As I am writing this there is 59 days and a wake up to finish this project.
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Progress on the Big Project
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, January 5, 2009,
Last year one of my goals for my battle was to have an bunch of Sebeki. Thanks to my big purchase at the end of last year that is now a reality. So now I have 5 six croc units of Sebeki, a Beloved of Sobek, The Butcher and a Priest of Sobek.
These are now painted and ready to hit the table. I made sure to clear my other Wargods Miniatures off of the painting table first. Those included a Typhon Starter set and two Basti Skirmisher Units.
The next thing I need to do is get an inventory of what...
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My Big Project for 2008
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Wednesday, December 31, 2008,
Sometime you pick a project and sometimes it picks you. This is one of those times.
Last year after watching 300 and all of it's assorted features I decided it was time to do Spartans for Wargods of AEgyptus. So i jumped in and started with a few units. I knew a fellow that was getting out of it and wanted to get rid of his. I got a very good deal on it and before I knew it I had a lot of Spartans and some Mycenaens.
At that point I decided to get a bunch of friends together and do a large fig...
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Just a few days to go
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, December 22, 2008,
So here we are with a few days to go to Christmas.
I am busy trying to get all of my end of year projects done as well as getting stuff posted here for sale.
Something else that I have gotten into (or back into) is Star Wars minis. It wouldn't be my first choice of game but my daughter likes it and if i can get my daughter into miniature games then it is worth it.
So I am starting to think about my personal gaming goals for 2009. I think the first thing should be to get my Wargods Spartans don...
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TGN 2008 Reader Choice Awards
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Saturday, December 6, 2008,
VOTE HereThe 2008 TGN Reader choice award voting is up on Tabletop Gaming News. Take a few moments and vote or nominate something that isn't there.
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Wargods today
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Saturday, December 6, 2008,
After a bit of a break I'll be dust off my Spartans for battle today. I am looking forward to playing again. It has been 9 months since I played last. Now if I could only get playing Rezolution again.
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Walking Down Memory Lane
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, December 4, 2008,
As I have been going through my old pictures and deciding what I wanted to up up on my website I have been looking at all of the old Urban War Stuff that I sold off a few years back. As I do this I am finding myself looking into getting back into it again.
I have always been a fan of the Scifi Gaming Genre and the UW imagery have a lot of the stuff that I like with a Japanese/Chinese themed force and a Soviet themed force and all kinds of other stuff that looks interesting.
The thing that alwa...
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My Thoughts On Gaming Conventions
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Tuesday, December 2, 2008,
Last September I posted this on a local group in regards to local conventions. I thought that it was worth putting up here:
I didn't go to Conquest. Why? Because there really wasn't anything on
schedule that I wanted to do. The only thing that was interesting to me
the Flea Market but I am not going to shell out for a badge just to do
There will be people that say "Well if you don't see something on
schedule that you like volunteer to run something". The answer to that
tha... Continue reading ...
British para troops
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, December 1, 2008,
Not much in the way of an update today. I am finishing up some late war British Para Troops in 28mm. Most of them are from Artizan although there are a few from Crusader and Westwinds. I did these for some playtesting that I was doing. now that I am finished I do not need them any more. I am going through my collection right at the moment to figure out what I want to keep and what I want to get rid of. Needless to say if you like stuff that i do and would like to pick up something let me know...
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Flames of War and Warmachine
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Sunday, November 30, 2008,
Now that the Thanksgiving festivities are over I have started to get my extensive collection of Flames of War pictures. I don't know how many of them that there are but there are a lot of them. With the way the file manager is set up I have to be careful in how I upload things and it will also force me to organize things a little bit more.
I have also started to upload pictures of Warmachine Figures that I have done over the years.
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The Rules Section
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Saturday, November 29, 2008,
I just put up my page of rules. On this page I have put up things like my Blue Moon Solar System Challenge. Also something that I have available is some of my AEWW2 units. Now that I have a place to put these I might be motivated to add some more soon
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Making Progress
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Friday, November 28, 2008,
At this point I have all of my Uncharted Seas Dwarfs and a good chunk of my AEWW2 Stuff.
Today we are going to get together for a little after Thanksgiving afternoon gaming at Game Kastle.
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Get things back together
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, November 27, 2008,
A while back I along with a few other people had a site called I had put a lot of stuff up there for many years and then through nobody's fault it was gone.
So now thanks to Patrick Ng, my portion of has found a new home.
That being said I am still putting things up from the old site as well as new things that I have done since then.
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