About Me

Jeff Hiatt Been a gamer and a hobbyist since I was a wee lad. Can't remember a time in my life when it hasn't been present one way or another.

First impression of 9th Edition Warhammer 40k from a 3/4th Edition Player

February 25, 2021

Coming back into 40K the last sets of games I played were 4th edition which was quite a while ago. I did kind of dip my toes and start with 8th edition, but the pandemic hit I never actually got any games to the table. During the pandemic 9th edition came out and I managed to score myself a rule book. Now I'm going through this and taking a look at the new rules and trying to figure out what's different between these 9th edition rules and what I used to play and 4th Ed.

One thing I find interesting is how transports work in 9th edition back in 3rd and 4th edition transports were assigned to units and pretty much if that unit was destroyed the transport couldn't do anything else really except for go around causing trouble but it really couldn't transport anything else which I thought was kind of odd ruin it sounds like they've kind of gone and fixed that.

3rd and 4th edition did have psykers. But there was no specific psychic phase. Was kind of interesting in that now there's a whole phase for it . Still trying to get my mind wrapped around it and figure out all the who’s, what’s, and where’s associated with it.  

The shooting phase is something that looks pretty familiar I'm not seeing a huge number of differences from what I'm used to playing to this. One thing that is interesting is that you can split your fire between different units with the unit which I don't remember if you could do that in 3rd and 4th edition, but I don't think that you could.

The charge rules add some interesting bits that I really like and think we're needed the one that I'm quite interested in just a heroic intervention where basically a eligible character unit can go and jump into a combat intervene in the combat fees within 3 inches kind of a neat little trick. Another one I thought was kind of cool that I'm looking at here is the Overwatch is back there are only certain instances where you get to use it but it's cool to have it back again.

Command points and stratagems offer some interesting pieces to this puzzle. I am still trying to get a hang on how you can refresh or gain or get refunded command points. I suppose more I read the more I look at things I'll figure it out. There's some pretty cool things you can do with those command points you can do rerolls, over watch, counteroffensive, bravery, or breakout.

Looking at what would be tournament play or what would have been tournament play back in 3rd and 4th edition it looks like I'm kind of going to go with the battlefield size which would have been 4 by 6 table. The closest battlefield size they have minimum would be probably about Strikeforce size which is 44 inches by 60. Kind of working my way back from there the Strikeforce type of units or Strikeforce type of stuff would be probably doing maybe about a 2000 point with 12 command points but then you look at the battle duration it says for a Strikeforce size game you'd be looking at a 3 hour game which tournament wise is a pretty long tournament. Usually, tournament games back in the day were two hour rounds. And most of the time those rounds would only be about an hour and a half. Based on that I think probably what I should be focusing on is 2000-point armies when I'm putting them together.

Getting to the end of the rulebook there are a couple of interesting little tidbits. One of which is the appendix of rarely used rules which just some interesting things to look at and gives you an easy place to find everything. Additionally, there is a Glossary at the end and that references to certain page numbers in the rulebook. However, after that I was hoping that there would be an actual index. And there was not. It would have been fantastic read out a couple pages of artwork or fluff to put in a proper index but that's just me.


The Commissar Arrives

February 25, 2021

Got started today on my new commissar for my Kasrkin Imperial guard army. This one is made by Grim Skull and it's called the Imperial iron commissar. Looking at it it's got some good detail it's all resin very clean cast. Very minimal cleanup needed.

When I was looking at it I was wondering if I should actually go and pin pieces together but when I stuck the sword arm into the arm it went in there with a nice little peg that stuck in there pretty well without any glue and was pretty solidly...

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a little progress....

February 24, 2021


Making slower progress on the Kasrkin. For the most part I have been doing detail work. On the helmets I did the visors. On the rifles I did the scopes.

Did the skin tones on the sergeants as well.

The picture above is with the base coat and eyes done.

The next thing is the gloves and the data pads. I am starting them by priming them white. Still haven’t figured out what I am going to after that.

On the other hand, I also added some new pieces to the army. In this case I picked...

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Progress on the Kasrkin

February 21, 2021

Been meaning to post some update on this but the project has been progressing. I got some serious work done on these last week. I am working at putting paint on the brush every day. Being that these figures are out of production. They all started out a little differently.

I started by priming the black ones with Krylon Green camo paint. Then I did the uniforms with AK Interactive Ocher Khaki.

I painted all of the gun housings white. then hit them with Basilicanum Grey contrast paint.

For the hos...

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Getting Some Presidents Day Weekend boardgaming in

February 15, 2021
Presidents Day 2021,
Today there is no conventions to be at which still bums me out. But yesterday my wife and me played a few games. One was Altiplano and the other was Raiders of Scythia.

Altiplano is one that we got 2018 after playing it at KublaCon. Where our friend Karen introduced us to it (note here is a quick plug for Karen’s game Consumption that you should check out). When we got our own copy of it she was happy to come over and play it with us and help us break it in. after that Li...

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The Horde (painted part) grows

February 13, 2021

This morning I finished the mounted Knights for Time of Legends: Joan of Arc. As I mentioned in an earlier post. Mounted figures have always been a stumbling block for me. But with a lot of things, you just must work at it and keep pushing forward.

That is what I did with these guys. After I got all the base work done on these, I started on the colors on the barding. I would to 15 minutes here and do one color and take 10 minutes to do another one at another time until I finally called it d...

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Building my Masterpiece

February 9, 2021
There are times when you get so gripped by a concept and a project that you get possessed by it. In the Summer of 2002, I did such a project. As a builder and a modeler, I felt that t was some of my best work ever.
Back then the new Chaos Space Marine codex came out and there was this new giant unit: The Defiler. No kit was available for it at the time. So armed with a huge bits box, various plastic, brass, and aluminum bit I set off to work.
For 4 day I sequestered myself in my garage only tak...

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A day to start the Knights.

February 7, 2021

Time to start the Mounted Knights for Time of Legends: Joan of Arc. For some reason mounted figures have always given me trouble. It is more of a mental block than any thing else. I am not sure why that is but it is something that I have always had an issue with. But with this game there are lots of mounted units and they all need to be painted.

My plan for this was to have all the JOA content that I own finished by the time the new stuff arrives. Right now, I would say that this is looking...

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The Spice must flow (or at least be better organized)

February 6, 2021

I have always been a big fan of the Dune franchise and if you are a gamer and a fan the last two years have been fantastic for you. We have seen the re-release of the classic AH Dune by GF9 and a brand-new worker placement / deck builder in Dune Imperium.
Last year, I was happy the hear that Folded Space was putting out an organizer for the rerelease of Dune with space for the Ixians and the Tleilaxu expansion
This week my copy came in from Miniature Market.

It was what I expected from Folded ...

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Another Glorious Day is the Corps.

February 6, 2021

Another game that I am just about finished painting is Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps by GF9. Initially I was going to give this one a pass, but I changed my mind and ended up pre-ordering it.

I found the minis effortless to put together. The Aliens had a little fit issue with the tails but in the end, it worked out. The Marines went together much easier.

The Aliens were super simple to paint. I primed them with a grey primmer. Then I gave it a coat of Citadel Contrast Wyldwood....

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