Got Quite a bit done yesterday on my Bowmen for
Time of Legends Joan of Arc. I set a goal to get them done. As I am writing this, the painting is done. I pretty much need to ink and base them.
Here is a step by step on what I accomplished today:

Leather straps and guards. Knowing that I was going to inking these later on down the road I did the straps and guards Vallejo Orange Brown. Had to be super careful with this in that I did not want to ruin the work I did on the cloaks.

Then came time for the metal. I used Citadel Leadbelcher. I did this on the helmets, hoods, and arrow tips.

Then it was time for the pants. I used three different colors for them that I varied across the different figures.

Then it was the time where I always say the life comes to the figures: applying the flesh tone.

I touched up the arrows with white.

6. Painted the bases brown.
Now it is time to wait for everything to dry and then it is time to start basing them.
As I said before I used to paint a lot of 15mm. When I used to paint for a living it was not uncommon for me to crank out hundreds of figures in a week. Time and age have caught up with me. I cannot do that kind of work with out magnifiers. Now I need to stretch after I am done in order not to tweak my back.
There are times when I sometimes miss being able to paint all of the time. But the difference now is that all that I paint now is my own stuff. I occasionally paint stuff for my wife but everything else is done the way I like it. No deadline except the ones that I impose. If I lose motivation on a project I can put it away until I feel motivated.