May the 4th be with you....
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, May 4, 2017 Under: X-wing

Today is Star Wars Day. Last night we did some more play testing. In this case we tested out the asteroid cave portion of the scenario. The Turrets and the AT-AT's worked well.
Due to the recycling nature of the scenario. I added a rule that if a turret gets damaged it can attempt to repair. The turrets are only two hull points with no shield so they were getting taken out pretty easily. So the solution is that at the beginning of the turn for each point of damage the have a red dice is rolled and for each critical hit the hull point is recovered. We ran with this last night and it seemed to work pretty well.

For the AT-AT's we used the ground assault rules. I am going to take the armor off of them in future plays. When killed they are going to regen. I had the AT-AT's be static in this scenario. In the future we will have them moving.
The Space Slug
The Space Slug did not make an appearance last night. I am thinking that the rules for him will be as follows:
- There will be 3-4 Slug Holes in the Cave.
- If a ship gets within Range 1 of a hole a red dice is rolled. On a critical roll the slug appears.There is only one slug and he will appear at the first hole he is rolled at. Roling order will be determined by a random draw or dice roll
- The Slug Targets the Closest Ship to it's hole
- The Slug gets 5 attack dice all Range 1
- All Hits are converted into Critical Hits
The Terrain Board seemed to work ok. People took some damage but it appears that people can fly around in it. No one lost a ship due to the board. The terrain was set up so if you could fly over it, it was treated like an asteroid marker. If you couldn't fly through it, it was a bump. Two bumps on a terrain piece and your ship was gone
The last thing is the debris. I set thiis up so in order to claim the debris card you had to fly over in with a speed 1 or 2, straight or bank maneuver with your large ship. Last night someone had a Lambda shuttle and I added a 0 Stop to that list as well.
Other Things to Consider
I think that there should be points assigned for score hits on the turrets on the AT-AT's. I am going to consider that as we go forward and maybe incorporate it into the next play test on the 13th
In : X-wing
Tags: x-wing