Kasrkin Details
Today was all about doing details on the Kasrkin. to start today off I wanted to kind of get all the bits and pieces done that I've been meaning to do but have just been like niggling little details I haven't had time to actually sit down in iron out and figure out.
I started with the scopes where I take and put red with the yellow highlights on the camera lens. The yellow on the red turned out to be a hefty contrast so I decided to take some red ink and put it over the whole thing. I think that it toned it down quite a bit. And gave it a glossy finish. Unfortunately, that glossy finish is going to go away once I seal it, but I think probably what I will do is I will end up re glossing those parts like that.
The next thing I started to do was the swords on all the sergeants. Started with the easy part. I took a gold metallic and did the handguard with that. From there I went and detailed in some of metallic for the wire and the control stone. I did those both in boltgun metal or leadbelcher metal whatever they are calling it this week.
These were going to be power swords, so I wanted to try to make him look like the power swords like I have done in the past. I use my tried-and-true method of doing this well I started with a very dark blue in this case I used Vallejo game color night blue. I thinned the paint out and base coated it.
With my basecoat with dry, I took Vallejo Game Color Magic Blue and edged highlighted the swords. I use night blue to correct any glaring errors in my edging.
After looking at it I decided that the edging was a little too bright. Or at least a little brighter than I wanted it to be. I decided to take some Secret Weapon Wash Blue and paint the entire sword to try to blend it in a little bit better and dull the highlighting from the previous step. I think it did a rather good job of muting that.

At this point I started to paint the lightning bolts. My method for this he is to start with darker Blues and work to successively lighter colors. In this case I started with a stormy blue and painted some base outlines of where my lightning bolts were going to be. Then I use magic blue and made a slightly smaller line over what I did before.

I did the same thing with electric blue with a successively smaller line.

The last color I used was a glacier blue to make the actual electric spark of lightning Bolt. It almost seems a little too blue to me still and it does not really stand out as much as I would like it to. At least when you look at it as close up as this picture is. I think I might be tempted to go over these one more time and come in with just straight white.

At that point I had pretty much called it done on my swords and decided to break out my lead Belcher or bolt gun metal or whatever you prefer to call it. I started on the grenadiers and decided to finish off their backpacks by getting some of the details done on there that were missing. What I was looking to do was the gun barrels some of the other metal bits and a few other things here and there. I also decided to look at some of the other stuff I had on the table and see if anything else needed touchups with this sort of thing.

Once that was dry, I decided to break out my trusty Nuln oil and hit the metallic areas that I just painted. In addition, I went and looked around on some of the other pieces to see if I was missing anything else or if I need bear spot showing that wanted to hide with an Nuln Oil.

So, at this point I am pretty much finished with the painting of the Kasrkin. I am trying to decide if there is anything else, I would like to do with them I have a few other effects that might be interesting to try and I have a little time to decide before I decide and commit to something. The next things that do have to happen for this are applying decals to the shoulder pads and basing the miniatures.
For the decals I just need to see what I have, and I think I have enough to do everything, but I will have to check. If I plan it right, I will be doing this tomorrow night while I am doing it online painting get together with some friends.
For the basing I am still thinking about it, but I have a fairly good idea of where I am going to go and how to put this together just need to figure it out and get everything locked down.
Tags: "warhammer 40k" kasrkin "jeff hiatt" "astra militarium"