One of the perks of being a board gamer is that I get a lot
of little really good tough boxes I don’t use. Sometimes they get used for
things around the house. Sometimes I just never take the expansions out of them.
But there are times when I get them, and I have nothing to put into them. Then
I'm forced to think about throwing them away or something else.
Recently, I got a copy of Dinosaur World. If you're familiar
with that game there was a lot of expansions that came with it. It was pretty
easy to consolidate everything into one box but then I had a whole bunch of
leftover boxes. As I said, I really hate to throw these things out. Another
thing that I've gotten a lot of recently is folded space game box inserts. If
you're familiar with those there are foam core inserts for your game boxes that
organize everything. But there's a whole bunch of leftover foam core that comes
with those things in interesting shapes.
As it so happens, I've been looking at playing Necromunda.
Got figures, got some terrain, but I could always use more. So that being the
case, off to work I went. I came up with some standard sizing and cut the foam
core pieces into those sizes. I mounted them on side of the boxes. Or in some
cases I just made standalone structures with them sealed them with a non-reactive
paint so it wouldn't melt the foam core then I went and hit it with citadel Leadbelcher.
But now I have a whole bunch of Necromunda terrain.