In between turns….
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, January 25, 2021 Under: Miniatures
So been playing A Few Acres of Snow online with a friend. There is not huge rush. I think that we started this last week and are slowly making our way through it when we have time in our day.
Been working on a few projects this weekend:
Firstly, I have been building a bridge. So a little back ground on this. One of the things that we seem to have an abundance of around here is cardboard. So, that got me to thinking and I pulled out my trusty plank cutter and started to cut 5/8 in strips. With those strips I glued them into I beams. From there I did some measuring and cut and gluing and now I have the basis for a bridge. I decide that I wanted to go big on this, so it is 4 feet long and a little over a foot wide. I wanted to make sure that a Baneblade could drive across it. As It stand right now its frame is done and it is time to let it dry.
The other day I saw a great video on you 12x12 scrap book boxes for miniatures storage. He had suggest using magnet sheet and magnets on the bottom of the bases. I have had some bad luck with those type of things, so I decided to make a divider. On this one I used sheet foam. It was easy to cut it and make it into dividers. I made a box for some of my Death Guard and a box for some of my Nercromunda Terrain. Here is a picture of what I am talking about:

All in all, it was supper easy to build and only cost me about $10 per box in materials.
We also finally got Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra to the table. My wife and I played it a couple or time this weekend. I had only played the original Azul a few times. This has a few things in common with the original, but it is different enough that you could have both in your collection.
The tile drafting is the similar, but the placement is quite different. The biggest thing that is different is the player boards. In regular Azul everyone has the same boards and the same objectives. In Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra the boards are randomized, and everyone will have different board set ups and different priorities.
In : Miniatures
Tags: azul necromunda