Back to the Imperial Guard.
For those that knew me back about 15-20 years ago when I
used to play lots of 40k I played a lot of armies. I built a lot more than I
played. But there was always a consistent army that I built and played over and
over and that was Imperial Guard or as it is known these day Astra Militarium. I
lost track of how many plastic Cadians I did but they easily numbered in the
1000s and built dozens of vehicles from the little Sentinels to the Mighty Baneblades.
I have managed to salvage some pictures from back then Some were scratch built
like this Destroyer Tank Hunter

Or kit bashed like this Hydra Flak Tank

Or slightly modified like this Vanquisher

But the was one tank that I built a lot of and that was the
Basilisk. And I built all kinds:
Lost and the Damned Traitor Guard

Iron Warriors

In third edition the Basilisk was a guess range weapon, and
I was really good at guessing ranges. I could regularly dop that pie plate
right on top of a highly prized HQ unit hidden on the other side of the table. And
not much could withstand getting hit with one of these.
As I get back into 40k 9th ed I am starting to
relearn the game and figure out what I am going to put in my guard army. I am
starting from scratch. Well almost. Got the makings of the stat of an army just
need to figure out where I want to go with it.
The cooling thing about it is that it is my army. I am not
planning on selling it. So, to be honest at this point there really is not a
bad choice (except ratlings they are always a bad choice). It will be fun to
see where this goes. But the one thing that I do know is that there will be
lots of tanks.