Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Monday, May 15, 2017,
In :
So we did our dress rehearsal yesterday and I think that things are coming along well. I have pictures of it here. We went through it and things went pretty smooth. There was nothing huge that needed to be changed on the scenario rules.
At this point there are a few thing that need to be completed prior to KublaCon.
Need to finish painting
Need to finish the Frigate
Maybe make some more cave terrain
Maybe make some more debris
Put together a checklist and make sure that everything is packed.
Posted by Jeff Hiatt on Thursday, May 4, 2017,
In :
Today is Star Wars Day. Last night we did some more play testing. In this case we tested out the asteroid cave portion of the scenario. The Turrets and the AT-AT's worked well.
Turrets Due to the recycling nature of the scenario. I added a rule that if a turret gets damaged it can attempt to repair. The turrets are only two hull points with no shield so they were getting taken out pretty easily. So the solution is that at the beginning of the turn for each point of damage the have a red dice i... Continue reading ...