Another game that I am just about finished painting is Aliens:
Another Glorious Day in the Corps by GF9. Initially I was going to give this
one a pass, but I changed my mind and ended up pre-ordering it.
I found the minis effortless to put together. The Aliens had
a little fit issue with the tails but in the end, it worked out. The Marines
went together much easier.

The Aliens were super simple to paint. I primed them with a
grey primmer. Then I gave it a coat of Citadel Contrast Wyldwood. Didn’t want
to spend a whole lot of time on them I wanted to come up with something simple
and easily repeatable.

With the Marine regrettably, I took no notes on my painting
for them. The one thing I did find out is that there is a big Aliens USCM
cosplay community online so, that it was quite easy to find a reference for even
the smallest buckle.
As I am writing this Ripley, Burke, and Newt still need some
On a completely unrepeated note here are some pictures of some old Zulu Wars British infantry that I painted back in 2003 or so: