Been meaning to post something, anything here for the last couple
days weeks months years. So finally after the long wait I finally got around to it.
Been spending lots of time recently working on my X-wing scenario for KublaCon at the end of the month and there has been significant progress. I have a rough outline of the forces that I am going to use. The frigate that is the centerpiece of the event is coming along nicely and I am tweaking the scenario itself. I will be doing a playtest of the scenario at Game Kastle in Mountain View on May 15th details can be found
As far as the Frigate goes here is where I left it on on Saturday:

I installed the tail section along with the command spine. I installed some surface detail on the top of the ship and dry fitted the grav generators.
At this point I have the follow things that still need to be done:
- Build the command section
- Finish detailing the top section
- Detail the Grav Generators
- Detail the bottom section
- Detail the Docking Bay
- Build the Engine Bells
- Build the stand