Making slower progress on the Kasrkin. For the most part I
have been doing detail work. On the helmets I did the visors. On the rifles I did
the scopes.

Did the skin tones on the sergeants as well.

The picture above is with the base coat and eyes done.
The next thing is the gloves and the data pads. I am starting
them by priming them white. Still haven’t figured out what I am going to after
On the other hand, I also added some new pieces to the army.
In this case I picked up a Commissar and a couple of Vulture gunships. I still
need to figure out the command portion of this. I am looking to add some Valkyrie
Transports. Thinking it will probably about 4 of them. Will be fun to paint
aircraft again.
Been trying to maintain the hobby streak by painting a little
bit each day. Got a little in today during my lunch break but not too interested
in painting tonight for what ever reason.